Wednesday, March 17, 2010

5 Marks of Spiritual Stability: Part II - Unwavering Humility

Continued from Part I...
2. Unwavering Humility

Philippians 4:5 5 Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near.

Amidst the Command for Unceasing Worship, He calls them to retain an unwavering Humility. This is a command however, not for our benefit alone but that of others. As the pressure of persecution rises Paul knows that men can scatter, and unity be a distant memory, thus he calls back into play that which he previously stated.

Philippians 2:3-5 3 Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; 4 do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. 5 Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus,

It is this spirit of Humility that must be made manifest in times of trial. When Paul says, “Let your gentle spirit be known to all men” another way to put it, is “make known to all men your reasonableness.” It refers to the consideration of others over self, and abdicates ones own constitution. Some have translated it “big heartedness” referring to a genuine care, concern and consideration for others.

This is also a command. (ginosko)means to come to know or recognize. Yet it is in the aorist passive 3rd person. Meaning that it is not for us to know, but for others to consistently personally know the humility and forbearance of Christ through you.

Note this. To the body of believers, it promotes Unity and stability when all are humbling themselves to each other. To the World, it promotes the gospel. True humility in the world stands out like a ketchup stain on a white shirt. The world cannot miss it, for the action of humility redefines their definition and causes them to examine Christ.Therefore what is the testimony to our fellow believers and the world? Is is A humility drenched in vanity or a humility drenched in Christ?

THE LORD IS NEAR. – This is not referring to the approaching return of Christ as it is the immanence of his presence. Paul is reminding them that the Lord is always with them. He is the one who gives them courage in the face of adversity and fortitude when asked for the source of their good-will. He is near, for he is indwelling you.

This again is another radical encouragement for the stability of the believer, the immanence of Christ. When they display humility to the World and others, the Lord is near. When the brother responds in loving-kindness the Lord is near. And when the world responds with its fist, the Lord is Near. Spiritual stability is found in the believer who retains his humility at all costs despite the present conditions of life.

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